
Troops wil not mess around and will focus better

[Live Fire]

Train you're troops with live munitions improves fighting capbility

[Train for CBRN]

Reserach CBRN

[Form National Guard]

National Guard responds the threats within you're country (Out of controll Riots, Terrorists, Rebellions)


Train you're army to use the terraine to thier advantage and flank

[Form Navy]

Create a navy to fight in the seas, allows you to build ships.

[Improve living conditions]

Build better barracks for you're army this also applies to the feild of battle.

[Mandatory Service Training]

Train people who have not willingly joined

[Joint Drill]

This allows you're military to participate in drills with foreign country's.

[Intelligence Warfare]

Improve offensive itelligance warfare to steal secret's or destroy somthing.

[Counter Intelligence warfare]

This will improve you're defensive intell system so you can hide secret's with ease

[Line Formation]

Form a line creating a wall of lead making you're troops more "hit more"